Our Sunday exploring Christmas Wonderland at Gardens by the Bay

Our kind AIA insurance agent gave us 4 priority pass to this year’s Garden by The Bay’s Christmas Wonderland.  So yesterday we decided to head down and immersed ourselves in the feeling of Christmas.  It was probably a hot favourite among Singaporean as the queues to all the carparks nearby were extremely lonnnngggg when we were there at 5pm… Kel had to drop us at the drop off area and valet park at MBS.



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There were many activities for everyone. We under estimated the time needed as we could not finished everything by the time we left. We managed to bring the girls to the Fairground where we took the Carousel and the Helter Skelter Slide. Papa also won a small plush toy for Lauren at one of the carnival game booths.

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Lauren wanted to go into the Ice Palace and play.  There are 2 activities inside the Ice Palace, Ice Skating and the Snow Playground.  The ice skating seems more appropriate for Lauren’s age.  It costs $14 per pax for a 45min session. You will need to have gloves and socks to go into the ice skating rink, they do sell them at $4 and $2 respectively if you do not have them with you.  There are guiding tools inside the rink and Lauren was totally engrossed the entire 45min. Our dear Papa is like Lauren’s guardian angel always behind her watching her back.



There are many eateries within the Supertree area, I will suggest family to try  dining at the Spiegeltent or “Mirror Tent” as the range of food and beverages options  are specially curated by Harry’s. Children can go for their finger food. Culina is another good option for a grab and go sandwich and drinks.

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Our free candy floss with the AIA Christmas Wonderland Pass

The Christmas Wonderland is open at 4pm to 11pm daily from 27th Nov to 27 Dec. Admission is free but you may want to check with your AIA agent if they do have the priority pass as it does help when queueing for Carousel ride, free candy floss and also the 15% discount when getting the Dome ticket.  Oh and each pass comes with 10 free tokens. Tokens are needed at all the rides and game booths and each token costs $2.



For the program highlights and the timing of the performance, you can refer to their official website here


Graceous Lash and Dreamlash

Eyes are often known as the window to our souls. If I needed to do a 3 min eye make up, I would go with just my eyebrows and eyeliner. That would have the immediate perk-me-up effect.


Many years ago, I did my eyelash extension at one of the smaller scale beauty salons in town. After 3 cycles of eyelash extensions, majority of my eyelashes dropped and I was left with 7 pathetic lashes. You didn’t read wrongly. Yes! 7 eyelashes! I was left with no choice but to use falsies daily. I recalled Kelvin telling me that I was the Singapore version of “Sadako” (The ghost from the movie, The Ring) as “Sadako” also had no eyelashes. With that horrifying experience, I swore to steer clear from eyelash extension.

Lately, I noticed that the trend for eyelash extension is back again. Many of my friends would battle their eyes at me with those super natural eyelashes. To be honest, I could hardly tell that they were extensions. That was how natural it looked. I told myself I am not going to repeat the same old mistake I made 8 years ago. But knowing how vain I am, I gave in and made an appointment with Graceous Lash at Mohamed Sultan.


Graceous lash is located on the 3rd level


It is just next to The Pattisier, my favourite bakery. 🙂 I was given a reminder 2 days before my appointment to be on time and to go without eye makeup. Graceous is on the 3rd level of the shop house. More like a 3M, 3rd level Mezzanine. It is a very small salon with 2 lash stylists. The stylists are Japanese and they were very polite. My stylist, Sara, apologized profusely to me as I had to wait for 20min. She took a longer time than expected on the customer before mine.   She explained the types of lash design, the different kinds of curl and also the length of the lash. I chose the Sexy, Ends longer design type with C curl lashes, and length ranged from 8mm to 10mm.


Graceous Lash menu


Types of lashes from Graceous Lash

I was then led to a bed, where Sara cleaned my eye area and applied glue before sticking the lashes one at a time. I requested Sara to also style my lower lash. It took about 90 minutes for the session to complete. I walked out feeling very pretty. I have to say the extension felt really light and natural. The effect was like having nice lashes with mascara applied on.


With pretty Sara from Graceous Lash after my session


How my lashes looked after I returned home

After completing 2 cycles of lash extension with Graceous Lash, I removed the extension and rested my lashes for 2 months before heading to try Dreamlash.



Dreamlsh is recommeded by a friend of mine who swears by it.  I booked an appointment through their sms service. They were very prompt in replying the SMS and was also given a reminder a day prior to the appointment date.


My therapist Eunice walked my through the entire process; explaining the different types of lashes and styles. I chose the Elegant style with Diamond Mink eyelashes.  Eunice did a range of 9mm- 12mm on me.


Types of lashes from Dreamlash

Eunice took about an hour to apply 60 -70 strands of eyelashes for me. It was a shorter timing compared to Graceous Lash because I did only the upper lash.


Here is the before and after of the eyelash extension.


Before extension from Dreamlash


After extension from Dreamlash


How my Dreamlash extension looked after the session.

Overall I found both Graceous and Dreamlash to be very similar. Both were comfy and light, very natural looking and would last around 3 to 4 weeks.

Price wise, I think Graceous is slightly lower in terms of the unlimited lashes option.  Both shops offer a 20% discount for first time customers.

In terms of location, Dreamlash is convenient for those who are not driving as they are conveniently located at Citylink Mall where it is near Esplanade/ City Hall MRT. For Graceous, I went to the one at Md Sultan, which was not as accessible but I understood they do have another outlet at Bugis.

Fixing an early appointment at Dreamlash also seemed easier than Graceous; probably because Dreamlash has more staffs.


With so many eyelash extension salons popping up. We know we are definitely spoilt for choices.


Graceous Lash

River valley Outlet
10AM to 8PM (last reception time: 630PM)
Bugis Outlet
10AM to 8PM(last reception time: 630PM)


River Valley Outlet
9 Mohamed Sultan Road #03-02 (Attic level) 238959
Nearest MRT station: Somerset or Clark Quay

Bugis Outlet
26A Purvis Street Singapore 188603

River valley Outlet
Bugis Outlet

Graceous Website



Citylink Mall, 1 Raffles Link #B1-09A Singapore 039393
Tel 6884 8019
Dreamlash Website




Graduating from a Preschool

Most of the children will attend 4 years of preschool before progressing to mainstream.


Lauren had attended Calvary Baptist Kindergarten since Pre Nursery. I clearly remembered the day where I hid behind the walls and watched her from far. Like most of the children, the separation anxiety was there. It was heart breaking for any parent to see their precious little one crying for them and yet they could not do anything because that was for the best for the children.

Time flies and today is the last day Lauren is going to CBK.  I am very grateful to CBK for nuturing Lauren to who she is today. I have to admit there were times where I would debate with the teacher or principal over matter where I couldnt agree upon but that aside, CBK has groomed Lauren to a confident child with all the important virtues.


When I was recording the video of Lauren performing today, my eyes were teary. To see who she has become, I am very thankful and grateful.

Before Lauren will embark on to her next journey, I will like to thank all the teachers in Calvary Baptist Kindergarten who had taught Lauren, Mrs Kueh, 优老师, Mrs Cynthia Lee, 翁老师, Mrs Ruth Yuen and Mrs Violet Chua.  Thank you for giving Lauren her wings to soar. I will like to thank her current Principal, Mrs Pamela Chan. Lauren is happy to see you in school everyday. She told me you are always dancing with all the children and that makes her very happy.  Not to forget her former principal, Mrs Fiona Tan, who made Lauren from an anti social child to her super confident self now. Thank you for sourcing for all the nice outing locations and enrichment programs for the children.

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Lauren’s diary are full of wonderful memories about her preschool life.  I now pray that Lauren will be equally happy with her primary school years.

More information of the school can be found here:  Calvary Baptist Kindergarten


A clip of Lauren doing her rock n roll. (I think she is abit too over in this video)


Alexis is 1!

My heart is filled with heartfelt gratitude on this very day.  Exactly 1 year ago,  I was praying very hard that Alexis will be born safely. That she will be healthy and will not have to go to nICU. That all my 7 months of bedresting will be rewarded with a healthy baby. I will never forget the feeling I had when I saw her the very 1st time.

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Awwwww…. my baby Alexis at 1 day old

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Love this photo despite the poor quality. Its our 1st wefie as a family

Today is Alexis’s 1st birthday. Time flies and the past 12 months were exciting and fulfilling. Coping with home, work and my small little online business.  I must say life is truly different from before.  Seeing my girls growing up by the days, the sense of achievement and satisfaction is fulfilling and  heartwarming.  I have to constantly remind myself to put my family first and not to bring frustrations from work home.  I have to thank my understanding hubby for being there for the family all the time, my helper for taking good care of my girls when we were at work and my mum and grandma who always popped by to help with my girls.

Here you go… The birthday party for Baby Alexis.


Our lovely poolside party venue





Alexis’s pretty birthday cake. Not to mention it is very yummy too.



Yummy cupcakes from Lamb Cupcakery… Super addictive

Activities to keep the children occupied 🙂

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The moment 🙂

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Some of my chic guests..

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I am very thankful to my family, friends and neighbours for making Alexis’s birthday so memorable.. See you all again next year.






Our 8th Wedding Anniversay

“Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate.” – Barnett R. Brickner

Being together for more than a decade, we had been through ups and downs; bracing through difficult times to where we are now.  We are now like soul mates and best friends. Talking to each other on the phone for hours when he is away, making time to meet each other for lunch often even though we will be seeing each other at home in a few hours.  I am happy that both of us had put in effort to maintain the sparks in our relationship.


The weekend celebration started the night before where I came home to a beautiful bouquet of roses.

Thinking hard if I should post this unglam phot but this is the moment where I got my flowers..

My very sweet hubby planned a surprise staycation this year for our 8th Anniversary. His surprise is actually not that surprise because his “overly smart” phone unexpectedly sent me an invite on my calendar after he added the details on his booking. Of course I was very touched by the act because despite his busy schedule, he set aside time for me. 🙂



Conrad was our wedding venue and we did make a vow to come back yearly but with the arrival of Lauren and Alexis, we somehow forgotten about the promise.


Kelvin took me for a very nice dinner at White Rabbit. The experience at White Rabbit was very romantic. The chapel setting, excellent food and a nice gift from hub.


If you asked what other programs we did…. nothing… We took this opportunity to rest.  Both of us had probably forgotten what it was like to be able to sleep all the way till late morning. With the girls, it was always sleep late, wake up early even on weekends.  We wanted to do a lot of stuff like watching the Man Utd and Leicester City match at Paulaner but we dozed off in bed before the match started..

Ok la, Kel took a lot of photos for me… He is the super nice hubby where he would really go all out to take photo of me or the girls..IMG-20151128-WA0025-01



Like what the photo mentioned, a step closer to a lifetime together.  I am truly blessed…
