This is the time of the year when everyone is clearing unwanted stuffs at home. As a mummy of two, I know how cluttered a house with kids will be. Toys, kids’ equipments/ furnitures, books and many more.
When we were clearing all the old toys of Lauren’s, we were so heartached that we had to forgo the good toys that Lauren is not playing anymore. Most are also not age appropriate for Alexis thus the idea of waiting a few years before she can play was immediately ruled out.
After googling and also with information gathered from friends, we found a few options to hand down all Lauren’s preloved items.
Here are some of the places you can donate your preloved items to someone who will truly benefit from having them.
1. Sanctuary House

A non-profit, grassroots organisation whose has been providing foster care to children deprived of family care for various social reasons.
Please arrange for an appointment with them to drop off any items in advance also that they may check if they need those items.
They are located at 159A Thomson Road Singapore 307612
Please see their contact information here
2. MINDS Shop

MINDS runs 5 flagship thrift stores named MINDS Shop, where they provide pre-vocational training to their clients in retail and customer service. Each store carries a unique range of carefully selected furniture, clothes, collectibles and house wares that they think deserve a new lease of life. MINDS strive to create an enjoyable shopping experience for their customers by ensuring that their goods are value-for-money and constantly updated.
MINDS Shop serves as a valuable avenue for their intellectually disabled clients to learn how to interact with customers. It also provides a chance for members of the society to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by their clients. Besides the day-to-day operations of managing the store and sorting through the goods, their clients also learn how to be resourceful such as by making good out of recycled and unwanted items.
By shopping at MINDS Shop, you not only empower their clients through meaningful work engagement, you are also doing your part to save the environment! You can also help them by donating your pre-loved goods at the locations mentioned on their website
3. TOUCH- Thrift Mart

TOUCH Ubi Hostel offers a stay-in residential programme for adults with mild intellectual disabilities.
The Thrift Mart was set up as a simulated training platform for the intellectually-challenged adult clients to prepare them for open employment and total integration into the society.
The Thrift Mart allows for experiential learning in a simulated retail environment where clients are allowed to make mistakes and learn in the process. Through it, they learn the value of money, appropriate social behaviours, customer service, work together as a team, etc. All of these prepare them for vocational life in the outside world.
At the Mart, they sell items such as clothes, books, electrical appliances, CDs, CD-roms, toys, household items, clothes, bags, ladies’ accessories, computers & peripherals – donated by kind sponsors. The Thrift Mart’s operating hours are as follows:
Wednesdays & Fridays: 11.00am to 3.30pm
Thursdays: 11.00am to 2.30pm.
They are also in need of items that are still in good and working condition to fill their shelves at the Thrift Mart. If you have useable items to donate to them, you may drop them off at Blk 301, Ubi Avenue 1, #01-295 during these hours (except public holidays and during the hostel’s term break) –
Mondays to Thursdays: 9.00am to 7.30pm.
Fridays: 9.00am to 5.00pm.
Sundays: 6.00pm to 8.00pm.
You could also call them at 6744 9712 or email Kwok Li Mui at or visit their website if you have any queries..
4. Toys From The Heart
Every year, corporations, schools and individuals pitch in by holding toy drives, assisting at special events, and helping with gift preparation and distribution. In 2014, Food from the Heart collected close to 8,000 toys that went to new homes, staying out of landfills and bringing smiles to young faces.
Toys donated by schools and corporations are given to needy pupils in neighbourhood schools during the annual Toys Buffet.
Visit their website for more information on how to donate your preloved toys.
5. Pass It On
A non-profit project started by Central Singapore CDC and managed by The Helping Hand. The project connects the general public to the needy via Voluntary Welfare Organizations VWOs. Anyone within Singapore can donate as long as the items are useful and of good working condition.
Kindly note that Pass It On do not take in your donations and give them to the needy on behalf of you. Please find out how to liase with the organization from their website below.
Pass It On
The Helping hand
819 Upp Serangoon Road Singapore 534678
Mobile: 85119160 (Ms Gina Ang)
6. Salvation Army

This needs no further introduction. Drop the items you intend to donate at one of their doantion booths location on this page
7. New2U

In May 2000, the New2U Thrift Shop opened its doors. The Shop is managed entirely by volunteers, some of whom have been volunteering with New2U for many years. The shop sells pre-loved clothing, accessories, household items, ornaments, books and etc. All goods are donated, and prices start from as low as S$1.00.
Proceeds from the store go towards Star Shelter and the various SCWO Initiatives.
If you would like to donate your pre-loved items* (in good, clean, resalable condition), they welcome:
Clothes – Men, Women and Children
Books & Toys
Bags and Accessories
Crockery & Utensils
Visit their site here for more information
8. Willing Hearts Orphanage
Willing Hearts Orphanage INC. is a 100% volunteer-based non-profit organization. They are a non-political and non-religious.
Your good old things that you clear from your closets will be well appreciated by them; clothes, shoes, bags, toys, books, kitchen-ware, household-ware, appliances, electrical. All the earnings of their sales go towards financing the operation of the Orphanages.
Among the places in the list above, we selected and donated the toys to Willing Hearts Orphanage. The collection centre is located at Serangoon North’s First Centre. The reason we chose Willing Hearts was because it is located right next to Lauren’s school and also it is very near to our place. We intend to donate to the other centres the next round. Willing Hearts Orphanage is run by Thomas and his wife, Alice. We went there twice; the 1st time we were there, we passed the opening hours of the centre but we were told that we could leave the items outside the centre.

I called again a few days later and managed to speak to Alice. I went down and was greeted by a very humble lady probably in her late 50s. I found out that Willing Hearts Orphanage was started because the couple’s previous domestic helper who went back to the Philippines kind of suggested the idea and from then they started this orphanage. Willing Hearts takes in everything (but please QC ok, don’t take them like garang guni or a place to dump your unwanted stuffs), the centre will sort out the stuffs and send the non-bulky items to the “Thrift Shop” in the Phillipines. Of course those that are of use to the orphanage will be kept for the orphans while the rest will be left at the Thrift Shop for sale. All the proceeds will then be used for the daily neccessities of the orphanange. The revenue generated from the Thrift Shop in Singapore is to help fund their rental and some overheads cost. Alice told me that most of them time, the rental would have to come out from their own pockets.
Here are some of the items on sale at the Thrift Shop in Singapore

Thomas also hoped that there would be good samaritans that can help to donate the shipping cost of the donated items to the Philippines. Each box costs S$175 to reach the orphanage. I could see from the centre that there were many boxes waiting to be sent but were sitting at the centre waiting for donors.

Another way to help the orphans are to sponsor their education;
Primary students at S$250/year
Secondary student at $750/year
The orphanage is currently taking care of 26 children. Anyone who is keen to visit the orphanage to offer physical help can make a trip there at S$380 for a 5D4N stay inclusive of meals and homestay.

More information about Willing Hearts Orphanage can be found at their website here
*Sources of images of Organizations’ logo: Courtesy of Organizations’ website.