I have to say I am no novice when it comes to enrichment classes for children. Lauren has attended numerous classes since young as I had always believed in the importance of a good basic foundation. Although Lauren is blessed with good grades, I do not take things for granted. I am always open to explore when family or friends introduce effective learning programs for children. Thus when I was approached to give People Impact a try, I agreed with no hesitation at all. I had heard about this course and was curious about the concept of the program that focused on enhancing various soft skills, such as communication, heightening self-esteem, leadership skills, money and time management, arithmetic and linguistic reasoning, creativity and critical thinking.
I was totally intrigued by this concept. I always believed that I want to groom Lauren to be independent; to be not just book-smart but street-smart as well, and to have good interpersonal skills, etc. So glad that there is actually a class for these now!

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As a market leader in providing intelligence training to children, People Impact’s programme weaves in and interlinks cognitive, social and emotional skills to help children develop to their full potential. Currently, in Singapore, their programme is suitable for children aged 3 – 12 years old, but very soon, they will have a Baby Programme!
In a nutshell, People Impact’s programme touches on:
IQ – creativity, logic, linguistics and memory skills.
EQ – leadership, time management and coping skills.
AQ – develop strong critical thinking and reasoning powers to face the daily challenges and learn how to complete tasks productively. People who can think out of the box with multiple solutions will be a strong asset in future.

People Impact Upp Thomson

Teacher Khogi
We arranged for a trial lesson on a Saturday at Upper Thomson branch. We arrived early and I had a brief chat with the Director, Mr Teo Chee Keong. He explained to us on how the class would be conducted. Contrary to the notion that children must be engaged in constant academic learning, People Impact strongly believes in the power of PLAY to nurture the young minds, and effectively engage children and unleash their maximum potential. Noticed what Lauren is wearing? That big word on her tee – PLAY! Certainly not pre-planned to wear that. We were then welcomed by Teacher Khogi, who was also an ex-principal with many years of experience with young children.
The 1 hour 45 min lesson was broken up into 3 parts. What I learnt later on was that the team at People Impact put in so much effort to come up with different materials and games so the children who attend the class would be welcomed by something new every week.
The 1st part of the lesson was a game called The Changing World.

Interactive session during the game Changing World
The class was broken up into groups and they were asked to come out with a new subject in school. They were asked why they wanted to include that new subject and to elaborate on it. The kids spontaneously highlighted new subjects such as Dancing, Karaoke, Swimming and Acting to be included into the school syllabus. They were also asked a few other questions in this game. I liked the way the children discussed among themselves on the question and how they confidently explained their choice in front of the class.
This game was meant to
• Strengthen creative and critical thinking skills
• Develop team collaboration skills
• Improve communication skill
• Enhance the verbal reasoning skill.

The children were all having fun. 🙂

Opinions from the older children in class

Opinions from Lauren’s group

Sharing her opinions to the class
Next up was a game called Police and Thief. This was a board game created by the school. The teacher would throw two dices; one dice with the colour and the other showing the number, eg Blue, 4. The police would be on the step of Blue with 4 dots. Then the steps would be repeated to get the placement for the thief. The police would have to reach the thief by jumping on the same colour or same number in a vertical or horizontal manner. Players must analyse and show the number of steps the police could take to reach the thief; the other players were encouraged to see if they could beat the 1st player in a shorter number of steps.

Police and Thief
I was surprised how good and how fast the children were at playing this game. I was standing in a corner cracking my brain on how to solve each set. The child who won was also encouraged to help the others who were still playing. Each and every child was really thinking hard and I could see they were enjoying every minute of the game.

Everyone was so engrossed

Thinking Hat on
What I loved about this game;
• Strengthen perceptual reasoning skill
• Enhance speed thinking
• Develop cognitive flexibility
• Improve visual focus and processing
• Strengthen the ability to think under pressure
• Learn to cope with losing

Teacher Khogi guiding Lauren on the game
Last game in the class was called Reverse Charade. The groups took turns to act and guess. One player would guess what the other players were enacting the clues. The children had a good laugh at each other because of the acting.
• Strengthen team synergy and collaboration
• Enhance non-verbal communication
• Develop creativity
• Improve confidence in self-expression


The importance of effective non verbal communication
Standing in the class for 1 hour 45 min, I observed how different the class was conducted compared to the usual enrichment classes which Lauren was or had attended in the past. There was no particular focus on the academic aspect but I felt strongly about this class; like how the class could help children with a lot of things that were probably not taught in a textbook or tested in school, like how the class could help my child in so many ways. Lauren would be in the cohort where MOE is moving away from the score segregation. Our government has been trying to fine tune our education system to allow more holistic development among children. They have probably realised that many children are talented in so many ways. Some have extreme music talents, while others have great memory, good grades or creativity abilities. I find this is the right platform to start grooming my children in that direction.
There is no better time to give People Impact a try. Good news, folks, People Impact is offering my readers a super good deal of $20 for 2 classes. (Usual is $120 per lesson). Quote “Charlene Sim” when making the appointment.
People Impact is located at the following branches:
213 Upper Thomson Road Level 3 Singapore 574348
Tel: +65 64514908
3 Simei Street 6 #03-01/02
Singapore 528833
Tel: +65 91769239
154 West Coast Road #01-74
Singapore 127371
Tel: +65 6635 8573
For more information about the programme, please visit their website at:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/people_impact
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PeopleImpactSingapore
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post but opinions are all of our own.