We are going 3 months into Alexis’ course. I promised an update so here we go.

Alexis is definitely enjoying her time at the British Council, so much that I overheard her conversation with Lauren asking her sister to join her at the British Council as well. She has been taught well and her vocabulary has improved leaps and bound. Her writing, as compared to 3 months ago, is also neater and she is able to read 90% on her own now. I like how the centre encourages the child to use their creativity; Alexis told me that her teacher would ask her to doodle on her file. She absolutely loved this idea! Other than having her creativity unleashed, the doodling on the file gave it an identity – her identity, and she named it the Galaxy Folder. Her worksheets are filled with her ideas of rainbows and unicorns. I read her latest writing and it immediately brought a smile. Her sentences sounded ridiculous but her teachers are so encouraging with her writing. I am not sure if the occurrences are totally related but ever since attending the British Council, Alexis has been writing a lot at home. You know I always remember this quote that my secondary school teacher shared with me – “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited; imagination encircles the world” – Albert Einstein.
Besides encouraging the child to use their imagination, the teachers at the British Council also requested the children to bring their toys! Wow! Can you imagine Alexis jumping into the car delightfully planning about the toys to bring for her lessons? The reason for bringing the toys was for a show and tell. Each child was supposed to hide the toy in a bag and describe the toy that they brought to their classmates.
Everyone in class would ask questions pertaining to the toy and try to uncover what it was. How I wish I could be there to witness all these but the British Council is rather strict with photo-taking in the class. This is to protect the privacy and safety of the students and staff. I am happy to share that despite me seeking their permission of a photo to share on my blog, the school politely rejected. This shows that they valued the safety and wellbeing of everyone in the centre more than just wanting to gain publicity. Kudos to the management of British Council for that!
We are in the last term of 2020 and since I am preparing Lauren for PSLE next year, I tried to get a little ambitious with Alexis. I bought some P1 assessment books and I am truly surprised that she was able to understand most of the questions in the assessment book! Reading the comprehension was a breeze for her too.

We have slightly more than a month to go before we complete the year for K2. I shall be back with another round of review and then I will share on the British Council’s course for Primary 1. Before we go, have a look at what Alexis’ Student Report. 😊

For more information about the British Council’s English enrichment courses, visit www.britishcouncil.sg/ylcharlenesim