I am still thinking how 2016 has gone by in the blink of an eye. Well, 2016 had been fantastic for me and I pray for 2017 to be as good or even better. I travelled leisurely to Sydney, Bangkok, Tokyo, Kyoto, Hongkong, Bangkok (again), Tokyo and Hokkaido in 2016. Wow.. That was alot of travelling indeed! I got a new exciting job where I am reunited with a lot of my excellent ex-colleagues. Lauren’s school work and piano exam results were good too! There is really nothing much that I would ask for. Ok, If I can be greedy to ask for 1 more thing; that would be to have a miracle for my mum’s illness. Mum is doing good now with her battle with breast cancer and I pray for her to be strong and be long live.
To hope that 2017 to be better, I need to make some changes to my life. As what Albert Einstein said, Insainity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Thus, I have to set new resolutions for 2017 to hope that 2017 would be a bang. Here are my list:
- Patience– Kel requested this to be on the top of the list. I have to admit I am super impatient. So I have to keep this in mind; Patience is not about the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting – “never say or do things that you do not mean it as that may cause hurt to others unintentionally”.
- To spend more time with Mum– Mum is battling with stage 4 breast cancer. Although she is optimistic about the situation, I know she is shakened deep down inside her. So 2017, I will want to have a meal with her at least once a week. To try my best to put her medical appointments ahead of anything else. To not have so much expectations on her, I tend to have high expectations for my mum and this has caused some friction between us everytime we argue.
- To work out at least twice weekly– I used to work out daily during my cabin crew days. I would made time to work out even if I had a function. Then after having Lauren, it became workout once in a while. Lately I started to be more diligent but definitely there is room for improvement.
- To be more mindful of time– Because I am so impressed with the Japanese’s way of being punctual, this has became one of my resolutions for 2017 too. I think I will start with setting my watch 15 min faster.
- To write more– I started this blog last year after quitting my job because I thought I was going to be a SAHM and I wanted to keep myself busy. I ended up joining another company and was busier than before. My blog posts also dropped because of this. In 2017 I hope to set aside time to write more often.
I shall not be too adventurous to set too many resolutions. Let me keep to these 5 for now. To everyone reading this, Happy New Year and let’s have a whopping good 2017!

Happy New Year from CLAK