Safari Boo is a Merry Not Scary Halloween for Kids

  1. If you are thinking of soaking up the atmosphere this Halloween but afraid that your child is not able to take scary event like the USS Halloween Night. Then dress your child up and head down to River Safari’s Safari Boo this Halloween.



There are plenty of activities to keep your child occupied. We bought the 8pm to 10pm tickets as the earlier tickets were all sold out. Due to that, we were not able to complete all the activities in the park. You definitely need more than 2 hours if you plan to cover all the games and activities.

Remember to pick up the goodie bag at the entrance. The bag is useful for all the treats collected along the way.

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Do bring along your camera or ensure that your camera phone are fully charged as there will be lots of opportunity to take photographs with the characters.





There is also a show that runs at 7pm ,8pm and 9pm. We missed that as Lauren took a long time at the games and activities session.




We also missed the face painting and hair colouring corner as they were closed by the time we walked there. We spent some time queuing to take pictures with the animals.



Lauren enjoyed herself very much. Asking if she can be here again next year.




If you are planning to visit Safari Boo, you still have 2 more days before the end of this event. The last day for Safari Boo is on the 1st Nov. Children below 12 enter free and ticket for adult is at $20.  Safari Boo is open from 6pm to 10pm

Do get your tickets online to avoid disappointment.





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