In a blink of an eye, both my girls are now in primary school. Alexis has been looking forward to this day for the longest time. Everyone knows how much she adores her sister and to be able to walk to school hand in hand was one of her greatest milestones.

2020 had been a tough year not just for us but for many around the world. The Covid-19 pandemic serves as a reminder of how vulnerable we are and one could fall from Hero to Zero in a matter of short time when such an unexpected event occured. While hubby and I were working from home, the time spent with the girls was lesser compared to pre-Covid. We are frantically fighting fire at work thus we lost the focus for them. I had a difficult time penning my 2021 resolutions, partly because I have huge plans for Glowfully yet I realised 2021 is the year when Lauren will be taking her PSLE and Alexis entering primary school. Of course, priority has to be with the family!

We started Alexis on enrichment classes last year to boost her confidence. Do not be deceived by her chatty nature, Alexis is very jittery about her ability to handle primary school exams. One part of her is excited about going to school with her sister yet she is also mindful how hard her sister had been studying for her examinations and this frightens her. One of the classes Alexis attended was The Preparation Course at the British Council. The K2 course was meant to help the little ones get ready for P1. In fact, we were briefed that the British Council’s enrichment courses for Nursery 1 up to Junior College are student-centred and are also aligned to the syllabus set up by the Ministry of Education. The lessons Alexis attended at the British Council were engaging. The courses are designed to incorporate active learning and hands-on exploration to develop the child’s speaking confidence and socialisation skills. These are very important skill sets as a strong foundation in English would boost the child’s love for learning in school. She will be able to read the questions, and make better presentations during the show and tell. During the orientation program the principal mentioned about the new direction of MOE and that there would no longer be examinations for P1 and P2. They want to encourage a holistic learning environment for our children and I am glad the enrichment classes that we have selected for them believed in the same values.

If you are keen to find out more about the British Council Pre-School and Primary programes, I have attached some information for your reference. If you have questions about the curriculum or operation matters, please do not hesitate to reach out to the centres. |

Hope your children have a wonderful 2021. Last but not least, whatever school or courses our child attends, we have a huge role to play in their learning journey.
“Be the parent today that you want your kids to remember tomorrow.”